Free Shingle Upgrade Brings Under the Radar Value

At Affordable Roofing it has become standard operating procedure to upgrade a homeowner’s roof to a Premium Class 4 Impact Resistant shingle at no additional cost.

 Colorado being one of the top 5 states in hail frequency events

the Class 4 Impact Resistant shingle is exceptionally important.

  • Texas 872 Hail Events
  • Kansas 538 Hail Events
  • Nebraska 430 Hail Events
  • Colorado 294 Hail Event
  • South Dakota 302 Hail Events

Many communities in our region are now requiring a Class 4 IR roof through code requirements.  Fort Collins, for instance, no longer allows a lower quality shingle to be installed when replacing your roof.  Reinstalling the same shingle on your roof may not be an option when replacing.

What Makes a Class 4 Impact Resistant Shingle Different?

Shingles are rated by the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and are put through a battery of tests to determine the shingles performance under extreme conditions. One of the tests consists of projecting steel balls of several sizes from various heights at speeds of 90 mph. To qualify for the Class 4 Impact Resistant rating, a shingle must endure two direct hits with a 2.0 in diameter steel ball to the identical spot. There should be no signs of cracking or other damage to the structural integrity. Other tests are related to flammability, wind resistance and uplift and thermal emittance. The testing category is UL 2218 Class 4 Impact Rating.  In addition, most class 4 shingles are Class A fire rated.

Additional cost savings with the Free Upgrade

The additional material and unique construction designed into the highly durable Class 4 shingle cannot be accomplished without increasing the costs to manufacture. The increase ranges from 10-20% depending on current market values. 

At Affordable, instead of the homeowner bearing the upgrade expense, Affordable upgrades the roof at no additional cost. 

Lower Premium on Insurance Costs

Save MORE with a lower insurance premium. Homeowners who install a Class 4 IR shingle will receive a discount on their home insurance premiums. This savings could be as much as 25%.  I’m sure you’re aware that Insurance companies are in business to make money! To encourage the discount only makes it abundantly clear that the likelihood of further damage to a roof is significantly less likely once a Class 4 shingle has been installed. 


Save by Extending the Lifespan of your Roof. 

This cost is a little harder to define but it holds true to the data upon observation from our field personnel. Side by side comparisons on roofs that have endured a hail event show that the class 4 Impact resistant shingle can demonstrate no damage where as architectural shingle is completely destroyed. This of course means wading through the process of a  hail claim with your insurance company. Deductibles are rapidly increasing and filing a claim does not lend itself to lower premiums or costs overall.  Installing a new roof can be invasive and time consuming. We are thankful for home coverage but we normally do not want to exercise that coverage unless absolutely necessary.

Colorado residents are encouraged to consider a class 4 impact resistant shingle if not already required by their local ordinances. It is a valuable tool that protects your largest individual investment.   You home!!!!

Affordable is proud to make the Class 4 Impact Resistant shingle available to our customers at no additional cost. 

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